About Us

We are devotees of the art and skill of lockpicking.  Our lives are dedicated to helping others improve and develop themselves to the maximum of their abilities and potential in every way, and the incredibly tools and skill of lockpicking are amazing ways of doing both!

We first fell in love with lockpicking when we started practicing it ourselves and noted how it sharpened our minds and gave us something fascinating to do.
When we looked at the history of locks, lockpicking, locksmiths, and escape artists, we realized that this is part of a wholistic and exciting journey to become sharper, smarter, swifter, better at solving puzzles, and better at tackling all kinds of challenges.  Plus, of course, all the many practical advantages of being able to open locks even if, for example, your friend misplaces her keys, or you find an old lock that needs removal. And especially if you are training to be a Locksmith.
Lockpicking is a fascinating path of knowledge, skill, and nimbleness of mind and body.  Come with us as we offer insight into the lockpicking world, show you how to start, and give you options for every level of Lockpick Genius, from amateur straight up to Master.