Lockpick and locksmithing sites seldom talk about escape artists; after all, it’s a very specialized art. But what that leaves behind is something we think is really valuable: the mindset of an escape artist.
Because we’re always seeking ingenuity, we’re always looking to open more “doors of perception”. What we’d like to do is take you on a brief trip into what the skill of unlocking can do for your thoughts.
The concept of performed stage magic goes back several hundred years in its current form, but the idea of the “escape artist” is fairly new—it’s only about a century old. The concept is simple: the magician/artist somehow gets out of some seemingly impossible situation. But think about what it takes to do that.
First off, this is a stage act. So outside of anything else going on, the situation doesn’t just have to be difficult—it has to be something where people will look at it and say, “That is impossible”, and perhaps even “That person is going to die; I can’t imagine how anyone would survive this.”
We won’t go over the art itself in this article—we’re just going to give you an unfolding series of ideas for you to use.
So to do a truly great escape act, you need to actually break through several barriers.
That’s a lot more than we usually think about when we discuss lockpicking. That’s because you, an aspiring lockpick artist, have extraordinary potential ahead of you.
Learn to Will
Learn to Dare
Learn to Open!
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